What we do
What we do
In order to support your company we must understand your business and activities. Our goal is to support you in the best and most efficient way possible. Next to ad hoc VAT questions we can support companies to develop a VAT strategy to comply with the VAT legislation. On our services page you find a wide range of activities we offer. If you have a VAT issue that currently is not covered by one of our services do not hesitate to reach out. We’ll find a solution for you.
What we have done
We have supported a long list of companies from all over the world and these companies are still clients of ALLVAT. Whether we supported them in discussions with the VAT authorities, nullified their VAT assessments or reclaimed large amounts of VAT, the clients all received a high level of personal attention. Over the years we have built a large network of boutique VAT firms in many countries that support us in international VAT issues. Our partners work with us the solve the problems for our clients and support us in international VAT compliance for those clients. Next to that we have trained companies from all over the world in different VAT matters. Regularly ALLVAT acts as speaker at national and international VAT conferences from the International VAT Association, The International VAT Expert Academy, The Dutch Chamber of Commerce, EVO-Fenedex, JH Education.
Our future
VAT is developing constantly and we are committed to support our clients to comply with all these legal changes. We do believe that our role as trusted advisor will not significantly change despite the rapid developments in the technology surrounding your business administration. VAT automation is the future and we will make sure we play our role in this development. We will stay on top of the legislative developments and guide you into the future.
ALLVAT has 25 years of experience in managing VAT for (multi)national companies all over the world. Next to Big4 experience we have a practical view and an industry background. We therefore understand that your VAT position is in fact a jigsaw puzzle and that in order to complete the picture sometimes you need external expertise. Managing VAT in multiple countries means you need someone with experience, a helicopter view and a network you can trust.

The Allvat team

ALLVAT the Hague

International VAT association
The International VAT Association (IVA), formed in 1994, is the world’s leading independent body on international VAT issues, representing the interests of businesses and advisers involved in VAT or equivalent turnover taxes around the globe. In Europe, the IVA’s membership is represented in almost all 27 EU Member States, and in total 40 countries. Globally, the Association covers all major international markets.
Along with running ALLVAT, Raymond Feen is secretary of the board of the IVA and program director of the IVA University..
Board members of the IVA

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