ALLVAT has 25 years of experience in managing VAT for (multi)national companies all over the world. Next to Big4 experience we have a practical view and an industry background. We therefore understand that your VAT position is in fact a jigsaw puzzle and that in order to complete the picture sometimes you need external expertise. Managing VAT in multiple countries means you need someone with experience, a helicopter view and a network you can trust.
VAT Consulting
Each country in the world has its own VAT legislation. Doing business in a country requires a detailed understanding of the local VAT rules. ALLVAT is able to support your company in various regions using its broad network of local experts.
Find out more about our wide range of consulting services below or contact us directly at
Consulting services
• provide Dutch and international VAT consulting;
• provide guidance when dealing with questions and VAT audits by the tax authorities;
• perform VAT scans to ascertain if there are options to save VAT or to signal issues;
• perform supply chain analysis for VAT
• support with system implementations (for example Oracle and SAP) from a VAT perspective;
• provide support with regard to VAT technical consequences of transactions abroad;
• advise on the tax control framework and the implementation thereof within your organization;
• answer regular VAT questions;
• negotiate with the tax authorities and obtain rulings;
• conduct due diligence investigations;
• litigation;
• support when setting up a Shared Service Center;
• support when setting up a European distribution center;
• guidance on “horizontal supervision” agreements (agreement with Dutch tax authorities);
• guidance on principal /commissionaire / agent structures;
• VAT-planning in general (Dutch and international).
VAT Compliance
VAT compliance is more than just copy pasting your data into the boxes of a VAT return. For us it starts with understanding your transactions and assuring all data necessary for the VAT returns is captured in time and complete. Find out more which VAT compliance obligations can be outsourced to ALLVAT in the list below or contact us directly at
Compliance services
• determine your international VAT compliance obligations;
• register companies for VAT-purposes in the Netherlands as well as other countries;
• prepare, submit and check VAT returns, EU-sales lists and intrastat declarations for Dutch VAT purposes;
• prepare, submit and check VAT returns, EU-sales lists and intrastat declarations in other countries;
• prepare and submit refund requests of Dutch VAT for foreign companies;
• prepare and submit refund requests of foreign VAT outside the Netherlands;
• prepare and submit corrective VAT-returns;
• prepare and submit Dutch BUA calculations (VAT deduction restrictions);
• prepare year-end reconciliations for VAT-purposes;
• prepare the pro-rata VAT deduction optimization;
• prepare the calculation and revision of VAT deduction;
• prepare and submit MOSS returns.
VAT Training
To understand the VAT position of your company and its VAT obligations we offer a wide range of VAT trainings. Trainings can be done on site and online and can be customized to your specific situation. ALLVAT also acts as a trainer for various organisations in the Netherlands and abroad. Curious about past and future trainings? Visit our events page or contact us directly at
Training services
• VAT trainings in Dutch or English language;
• VAT training on VAT at country or regional level;
o Netherlands / EU / GCC;
• VAT trainings specific for an industry / company / department;
o accounts receivable- / accounts payable administration;
o purchase- / sales- / logistics departments;
o financial and legal department;
o inhouse / customized training;
• VAT training specific topics such as:
o e-commerce;
o import and fiscal representation;
o VAT / customs warehousing;
o supply chain and international trade;
• ALLVAT is speaker at various national and international conferences in the Netherlands, Europe and even beyond. On the website you find all conferences and trainings.
Fiscal Representation
The VAT legislation sometimes requires companies that are not established in the Netherlands to appoint a Dutch fiscal representative for VAT purposes. ALLVAT acts as fiscal representative in the Netherlands for foreign traders in excise warehouses, VAT warehouses and importers of goods that require a license to defer the import VAT.
Do you require a fiscal representative for VAT purposes in the Netherlands then you should contact us at
Other services offered by ALLVAT

ALLVAT can review and appeal any assesments or penalties you receive in relation to the compliance in the Netherlands.
If you need urgent support contact us at

Selling excise products to consumers in the Netherlands whereby the products are shipped from other member states, triggers the obligation to appoint a fiscal representative for excise purposes. ALLVAT can support you in this respect.

With 25 years of experience in the field of VAT, as international VAT consultant and inhouse VAT manager for multinational companies, ALLVAT can provide support such as coaching, sparring and interim support services.
Contact us